Following scenic Highway 38 you will find yourself in beautiful Mountain Home Village just before the tall pine treeline. Mountain Home Village is surrounded by National Forest with views that will take your breathe away. This small quaint community offers fresh air, clean water, safe living and an opportunity to experience 3 seasons while rediscovering the beauty and diversity of nature. While Mountain Home Village may receive snow, for some the lower elevation is sought after for the mountain life, but ease of the warmer temperatures. The year 'round Mill Creek is just walking distance from any property in this community, with the wild blackberries growing close by.
Elevation: 3,691 feet
Population: Approximately 170 year 'round residents (2010)
Schools: The Yucaipa Calimesa Unified School District is the designated school district for Mountain Home Village. However, our own Fallsvale Elementary School is operated by the Big Bear Unified School District and serves the communities of Angelus Oaks and Forest Falls with inter district transfers available for Mountain Home Village. Daily bus service is provided for a fee to Moore Junior High and Redlands East Valley High School, part of the Redlands Unified School District.
Fire and Rescue: Service is provided by a 15 member Paid Call Firefighter force operating from the Forest Falls Station #99, a part of the San Bernardino County Fire Department.
Law Enforcement: Service is provided by the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Office which includes a resident deputy that lives in our neighboring community of Angelus Oaks. The Sheriffs office also coordinates the local Valley of the Falls Search and Rescue Team.
Local businesses and services include (click icon for a printable list):
Elkhorn General Store 909.794.1212
El Mexicano Cafe 909.794.3186
Cabin of the Falls vacation rental
Big Falls Lodge event rentals
Utilities: Frontier provides our landline telephone and internet service together with satellite internet being available from most locations. Verizon operates our local cellular phone tower. Southern California Edison provides electricity to the area. Propane gas is used exclusively and supplied by several companies who serve the area. Three water companies serve our community, Fallsvale Service Co., Big Pine Tract, and Forest Park Mutual. Satellite TV is available in most locations plus cable television is provided by Charter Communications.
Organizations: Boy Scouts, Camp Fire Boys & Girls, Cub Scouts, Disaster Response Group, Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), Fallsvale School Booster Club, Forest Falls Firefighters Association, Fire-Rescue Explorer Post, Frozen Green Thumb Garden Club, Mountain CARE, Valley of the Falls Search and Rescue Team, Valley of the Falls Community Center, Inc.
Natural Disasters: From time to time our area is subject to natural disasters with the results often being as inconvenient as a short term road closure to less frequent but more intense issues that can result from flooding, heavy winter storm, earthquake, wildfire and whatever else mother nature can throw at us. Maps and reports about actual and predicted disaster events can be viewed at either Gillmore Real Estate office.
Community: While seriously talking about natural disasters, one of our caveats is "we would rather dodge boulders than bullets" and what sets us apart from city folks is that we epitomize the definition of "community." When things are normal everyone goes about their busy lives but, to quote Joseph P. Kennedy, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going" and nowhere is that more obvious than in Angelus Oaks, Forest Falls and Mountain Home Village where neighbors take care of neighbors and various responses to disaster situations have been planned and rehearsed over the years. Visit www.forestalls.com for more information on the area.
Wildlife: Black Bears, Big Horn Sheep, Bobcats, Mountain Lions, Raccoons, Grey Squirrels, Scrub Jays are just a few animals you will see wander our forests. We like to remind our community that a fed bear, is a dead bear. We encourage our tenants and property owners to lock up their trash to avoid bears becoming too familiar with our community, which leads to them being trapped and either relocated or put down. We love our forest and animals and would like to enjoy these wild animals for years and years to come.
Emergency Info: While several government agencies have official sites it seems an up to date resource for events effecting the entire San Bernardino mountains is www.RimOfTheWorld.net. Often times, helpful information can be found on the local Forest Falls Facebook page (please confirm information with local authorities if needed). Other informative websites include: www.socalmountains.com (incidents), www.dot.ca.gov (road conditions), www.bigbearscanner.com (for all San Bernardino mountain areas)
Local News: The Bear Facts, published seasonally by Mountain CARE for the east mountain communities of Angelus Oaks, Forest Falls and Mountain Home Village.
Daily News: News can be obtained from several newspapers that report on our area from time to time and include: Yucaipa News Mirror, Redlands Daily Facts, Press Enterprise, and The Sun.
Travel Times: Redlands/Yucaipa, 15-20 min. San Bernardino, 30 minutes. Riverside central, 55 minutes. Palm Springs, 45 minutes, Los Angeles, 90 minutes.
Current Weather: Weather Underground station located at 5000’ elevation at Forest Home Inc. Webcams available on the Mountain CARE site
Other sites include:
- Road Conditions: CalTrans, 1-800-427-ROAD, www.dot.ca.gov/hq/roadinfo
- San Bernardino County Emergency Info Line: 909.355.8800, www.sbcfire.org
- US Forest Service Fire Information for San Bernardino National Forest: 909.383.5688, www.fs.fed.us/r5/sanbernardino
- Forest Service Fires (national): www.inciweb.org
- Mountain Area Safety Taskforce (MAST): www.calmast.org